Community & Service Groups
Art Centre, Helensville
Contact: Yvonne Abercrombie
Phone: 09 973 0852
A community art space committed to seeing creativity thrive in Helensville and supporting local artists from all backgrounds. Retail locally crafted jewellery, objects, and art. A workshop room is available to rent for classes, and there are two gallery spaces available for hire for artists wanting to hold solo exhibitions - forms on the website.
Monthly exhibitions and opening evenings free to everyone; workshops and creative classes covering ceramics, painting, printmaking, stitch and crafts; artist talks; holiday programmes. Regular after school classes for children.
Agricultural & Pastoral (A&P) Association
Operates annual on the last Saturday of every February.
Show Manager: Shona Addison.
Phone: 021 529 689
Promotes the interests of agriculture and farming in the district; administers the showgrounds venue; and runs the annual Show. Hall hire available, plus key hire for horse riding on the showgrounds.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Fire Brigade - Volunteer
Ian Osborne, 21 Downer St, Helensville. Ph 09 420 8149
Helensville Railway Station Trust
2 Railway Street, Helensville (behind the GAS petrol station)
P.O. BOX 70 , Helensville
Railway Museum adjacent to station features operating model railway and other exhibits. Open Thursday to Sunday, 10am to 3pm. Cafe, gallery and shops also in the station.
Helensville Women and Family Centre
104 Commercial Road, Helensville.
PO Box 141, Helensville
Ph: 09 420 7992 Email:
Open: Monday - Friday 9.30am-2.30pm.
Services - counselling, family support, wellbeing courses, youth programmes, keep safe pre-school programme.
Resources - library, information, refreshments, child friendly playground. Volunteers and donations welcome. Website:
Kaipara Forest & Bird
Suzi Phillips, Private Bag 1, Helensville 0800.
Ph 021 271 2527 email
Maire Thompson, Waimauku. Email
Helensville Public Library,
Commercial Rd, Helensville (in Helensville War Memorial building).
9.30am - 5pm weekdays, 9.30am - 4pm Saturdays. Internet
Lions Club of Helensville
Meets 6.30pm every second and fourth Monday at the Lions Lounge, Rautawhiri
Park, Rautawhiri Rd, Helensville.
P.O. Box 74 Helensville.
Contact: Chris Clark, Ph 027 646 3324
Helensville Freemasons - Duke of Albany Lodge.
Contact: Tony Petrie, secretary.
Phone: 09
412 8865, Mobile: 027 837 9551
North West Country Business Association
BID Manager: Danielle Hancock. Mobile 020 4002 7008. Email:
Mail: PO Box 199, Helensville 0840
Plunket Society
Julia Hodges. Ph 09 420 8810
Ratepayer Associations
Kaukapakapa Area Residents & Ratepayers Assn.
Contact: Marilyn Dwyer, Secretary
Red Cross Support Group
Madge Balderston, 11 Awaroa Rd, Helensville. Ph 09 420 8698
Rodney Neighbourhood Support
Co-ordinator Margaret Faed, email
Rotary - South Kaipara
Meets 7pm to 8pm on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Parakai School, Fordyce Road, Parakai. Rotary is a worldwide service organisation that focuses on community
projects. All community projects considered. New members welcome. Visit us at: or
Contact: Leigh Kelly, Ph 021 625 491
S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving)
Kaipara College, Helensville. Ph 09 420 8640
St John
Roy Humphris, 10 Rata St, Helensville. Ph 09 420 8412
Senior Citizens
Ann Phillips-Gray. Ph 09 420 7708
South Kaipara Community Patrol
Chairman/Patrol Lead: James Scott. Ph: 022 541 7867.
Email: Website:
South Kaipara Men's Trust
Offers services directed towards the needs of men, young men and their families, including counselling,
career development, men's groups, 'father and son' summer activities, the Clearing Anger programme
and referral to specialist services. Awaroa Rd, Helensville. Manager: Mike Bridgman.
Ph 027 800 8081.
South Kaipara Landcare
Ed Donald, Ph 029 242 5262
Te Awaroa Museum
Riverside Reserve, 98 Mill Rd, Helensville.
Phone: 09 420 7881
Features historic South Kaipara buildings plus a hugely varied collection of
historic memorabilia.
West Auckland Hospice
Ph 09 834 9750
Womens Institute
Contact Hilda Reaves phone: 09 420 7106 or Verna Healy phone: 09 420 7088
Meets 1st Thurs of each month at various Helensville locations.
