Maori Wardens
Huia Hohepa. Ph 09 420 6443 or 027 596 0197
Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust
Protecting and growing the assets returned in the Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Claims Settlement Act 2013 for the benefit of Ngāti Whatua o Kaipara
16 Commercial Road, Helensville
Ph 0800 695 247
Ngati Whatua Nga Rima o Kaipara Trust
The Trust is the organisation set up by the five marae listed below. It is a tribal provider for the MSD Heartland Services.
Service Delivery Manager: Cynthia Mendes Ph 09 420 9851 or mobile 027 695 6425
Araparera Marae
M. Waata, Kaipara Coast Highway (SH 16)
Haranui (Otakanini) Marae
Chairperson: Joseph Timoti
Kakanui Marae
G. Brown, Kaipara Coast Highway (SH 16). Ph 09 420 5739
Puatahi Marae
Marae committee chairman: Richard Nahi, Ph 021 366 976
Reweti Marae
Marae phone: 09 411 8541, Message Minder: 09 411 8543
Marae Bookings: 09 411 8812
Ngati Whatua o Kaipara
96 Commercial Road
PO Box 41,
Helensville 0800
Fax: 09 420 8410,
Mob: 022 4208410
Ngati Whatua o Kaipara ki te Tonga
96A Commercial Rd, Helensville. Ph 09 420 7914
Te Ha Oranga
Provides a wide range of health services within the Ngati Whatua rohe. Includes mobile nursing services, Whanau Ora support, Tamariki Ora specialist, community health support, chronic care specialist, personal and home help services, quit smoking support, alcohol and drug counselling, and women’s health service for breast screening and education.
53-65 Commercial Road, Helensville. Ph 09 420 8523
Te Taou O Rewiti Trust
State Highway 16. Ph 021 0818 2822.
Te Puna O Te Ora
Ph 09 420 9450