Anglican/Methodist Church
St Matthews. 60 Garfield Rd, Helensville.
Sunday Worship 9.30am with Sunday School every second and fourth Sundays (except school holidays). Ph 09 420 8868, or email the administrator:
Baha'i Faith
Contact Fay Greenslade (secretary, Baha'i Community of Rodney
District) on 021 303 972 or 09 446 1369 for messages, or email:
Buddhist Temple
Bodhisativa Rd, RD 1, Kaukapakapa. Ph 09 420 5428
Catholic Church
1 Puriri St, Helensville. Rev. Fr. Maria Selvan, Ph 09 420 8110, email:
Mass: 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 9 am. Other weeks Saturday 6 pm.
Helensville Community Church
40 Mill Road, Helensville.
Sunday worship service: 10:30 am.
Creative Kidz church programme: 10.30 am
Hour of Power (Holy Spirit ministry): first monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Pastor Francois Joubert, ph: 09 420 2995, Mobile: 022 156 0761, email:
Kaipara Bible Chapel
Kaipara Coast Highway (SH 16), Kaukapakapa. Lex & Colleen Levien.
Ph 09 420 8262.
Sunday worship 10:45 am & 7:15 pm. Sunday school 9:30 am.
Magnify Church
120 Commercial Rd, Helensville. Sunday worship 10 am. Pastor Tim Forlong, Ph 09 420 8911. Email: Website:
Pacific Islands Church
2-6 Downer St, Helensville. Mrs Nio, Ph 09 420 7456. Every second
Sunday of the month.
Parakai Presbyterian Church
Contact: Pastor Moses and Esther Young. Ph 027 351 7377, email:
River Valley Baptist Church
Meets at the church, corner of Fordyce Road and Parkhurst Road, Parakai, Sundays at
Children's programme Sunday mornings 10:15am during term times.
Pastors: Kenny and Sarah Wright: Ph 022 383 5880
Church Administrator: Ph 09 420 2559, email:
South Kaipara Youth
Contact minister Lorraine Popple, on Ph 09 420 6184 or email
