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  Visitor Services in Helensville  


Last updated
August 28th, 2024

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Home > Helensville Visitor Information

Helensville Visitor Information

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> ASB Smart ATM, located outside UHY HaInes Norton, 34 Commercial Rd, Helensville.
> ANZ ATM, located outside Unichem pharmacy, 50 Commercial Rd.
> Kiwi Bank, inside Paper Plus Select, 64 Commercial Rd, Helensville. (also ATM) Ph 09 420 8646

Citizens Advice Bureau
27 Commercial Road, Helensville. Incorporates Visitor Information Centre.
10am - 3pm weekdays.
Ph 09 420 7162, Fax: 09 420 7605

> Post Shop, Paper Plus Select, 64 Commercial Rd, Helensville. Includes courier service, Post Boxes. Mail collection 5 pm Monday to Friday, 9 am Sunday. Ph 09 420 8646
> Post Box outside Parakai Store, Parkhurst Rd, Parakai.

Public Telephones
Located in Commercial Rd, Helensville outside Library and at the Old Post Office building; also at Kaipara College, Rautawhiri Rd, Helensville.

Public Toilets
> Creek Lane (beside Mr Bon bakery), Commercial Rd (7 days)
> Helensville War Memorial Hall, Commercial Rd (weekdays)

Visitor Information Centre
Inside Helensville Citizens Advice Bureau (see above)