Helensville Online  
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Last updated
March 14th, 2025

© 1999-2025
Site by Dash Design


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All the information on this site appears in good faith, and while all effort has been made to ensure the information is complete, correct and up-to-date, no liability is accepted for any information which may be out of date, incorrect or misleading in any way, and we offer no guarantee that the information herein can be relied upon for any particular purpose.

We do not endorse or accept responsibility for the content or use of any website which has a link to it from this site. We will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages resulting from the use of this website, or of any other hyperlinked website.

What's On listings are included at the discretion of the webmaster. Advertisements may appear in a category other than that suggested by the submittor if deemed more applicable. Advertisements and listings which do not meet the site's criteria will not be put online.

If you know of any information which is incorrect, please visit our site's feedback page to let the webmaster know.

Remember, this is a community website, and as such needs community input to keep it vibrant.

For the purposes of this website, the area we define as 'Helensville' covers everything between Kaukapakapa in the north and Huapai in the south, the entire South Head peninsula and east as far as Waitoki.

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