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  Youth Services in Helensville  


Last updated
March 14th, 2025

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Home > Helensville Youth Groups

Helensville Youth Groups

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Combustion Youth
Meets Friday evenings, 118 Commercial Rd, Helensville. Free, except for some away events. A chance for college students to have fun, connect, and find answers to life.
Contact: Armand Claassens, email:

Cubs and Keas
Kaukapakapa Scout Group runs sections in both Helensville and Kaukapakapa.
Keas (ages 5 – 7.5) meet Tuesdays Kaukapakapa 5-6pm, Helensville 5:30–6:30pm; Cubs (ages 7.5- 10.5) meet Mondays, Kaukapakapa 6–7:30pm, Helensville 6:30–8pm.
New members welcome, first three visits free, then $45 per term. Children learn new skills, leadership, teamwork, fun games and make new friends. Contact Graeme Hounsell, phone 09 420 5322, email:

Dove Counselling
Leigh Cummings Ph 09 420 8980

Girl Guides
From age 10-14 years. Currently there are no active Girl Guide Units in Helensville. Contact Girl Guide District Coordinator for the Woodhill District, Niki Swabey, Ph 09 411-9350 or 021-234-9620, or email

Kiwi Conservation Club
Aimed at primary school age children. Organised jointly by the Kaipara and Waitakere branches of Forest and Bird. Contact Suzi Phillips on 021 271 2527.

Mainly Music
Pre-school music 1/2 hr session, 9:30am Fridays during school terms, at St Matthews Church lounge. Fun for mums and their children. Cost $3 per family, morning tea provided. Come and have fun making memories with music.
Enquiries: Katey Jackson, Ph 09 420 2019 Email:

Nem's Drama Works
Naomi Bartley. Ph 09 420 8293

Noah's Ark Playgroup
Christian Life Centre, 120 Commercial Rd, Helensville. Kim Duncan. Ph 09 420 8911

OutWest Youth Community Trust
Supporting, encouraging and developing local youth in our community.
Contact: Nem Bartley

St John Youth
Penguin Program for 6-8yr olds
Cadets for 8-18yr olds
Meets at St John centre, 1 Makiri St, Helensville, 6.30-8pm Mondays.
For more info ph 0800 STJOHN (0800 785 646) or check out
Divisional Manager: Anita Hall, Phone: 021 294 0544, Email:

Kaukapakapa Scout Group runs sections for both Helensville and Kaukapakapa. Scouts (ages 10.5 – 14.5) meet Tuesdays at Kaukapakapa 6:30–8:30pm. New members welcome, first three visits free, then $45 per term. Children learn new skills, leadership, teamwork, fun games and make new friends. Contact Graeme Hounsell, phone 09 420 5322, email:

South Kaipara Men's Trust
Offers services directed towards the needs of men, young men and their families, including counselling, career development, men's groups, 'father and son' summer activities, the Clearing Anger programme and referral to specialist services. Awaroa Rd, Helensville.
Manager: Mike Bridgman
Ph 027 800 8081.

South Kaipara Youth (SKY)
Co-ordinator Retts van Dam, ph: 09 411 5224, mob: 027 270 5126 email:

Support for young people aged 11-20 who are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Based at Hibiscus Coast with local co-ordinator Sue-Ella Gray. Email

ToughLove Helensville
Meets Monday evenings 7.30pm to 9.45pm at the Men and Families Centre, Gerald Stokes Ave, Helensville. Phone: Jo Mead, 09 420 6543, mobile 022 133 2955. Email (central administration):

Youth Line
Ph 09 420 8810