Kaipara College is a small, co-educational
school that provides a high quality environment for our students.
With a roll of 550 students in Years 9 to 13, we emphasize a balanced
programme that provides for academic excellence alongside strong
sporting and cultural involvement. We have a proud record of success.
The College has highly qualified staff and
modern teaching facilities that include science laboratories, an
art studio, music suite, drama room, library, computer laboratories
& network, technology workshops, swimming pool and gymnasium.
We also provide comprehensive care and guidance for students.
Local Enrolments
Our students come from a wide area, from
Riverhead, Kumeu and Huapai in the South to Glorit and Puatahi in
the North. We also serves the Waitoki and Wainui areas, as well
as South Head, Parakai, Muriwai, Waimauku and the country districts
in between.
Students living in this area may contact
the College to inquire about enrolment at any time. The College
holds an open day in mid July and the enrolment week is the first
week of August. Details are in the local paper and available from
the College and local Primary schools.
Phone: 09 420 8640
Fax: 09 420 7485
Email: admin@kaiparacollege.school.nz
>> For full information about the college, visit the school's website: www.kaiparacollege.school.nz
International Students
We do enrol students from overseas in to
our programmes, offering our international students full access
to the New Zealand Secondary curriculum. We have a full range of
courses in the Science, Mathematics, Languages, Social Sciences,
Technology, Arts and Physical Education faculties. International
students are assessed on arrival, and we provide them with special
additional English language classes if required.
All students can enter for the New Zealand
qualifications at Years 11, 12 and 13. This includes the University
Entrance qualification in Year 13.
Students who wish to enter the University
Entrance qualification must have very good English. We will enroll
students straight into Year 13 if their English is good. But we
recommend that students enter Kaipara College at Year 12 so that
they can become more fluent in English and familiar with the New
Zealand system. This will give them a strong background to be successful
in Year 13.
The College arranges home-stays for its
international students and monitors them carefully. Home-stays are
available in the town, on farms or at beaches.
The Tuition Fee for 2009 is $NZ 10,000 or $2500.00 per term.
This covers tuition and textbooks. It does not cover stationery,
uniform (approx $300.00), examination fees or materials. Homestays cost is approximately $NZ 180 per
week and there is a Homestay Administration Fee of $NZ 400 per annum.
Application Forms are available from the
school on request.
Mrs Stephanie Ross
International Student Director
Kaipara College
Rautawhiri Road
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 420 8640
Fax: +64 9 420 7485
Email: sross@kaiparacollege.school.nz